Kechi's Blog

I think it would be a wicked thing indeed to fit anyone for the modern world. -Evelyn Waugh

I write as a non-conformist. My goal is to inspire modern misfits and to nurture Truth, Goodness and Beauty

I love reading especially long classic novels, I make most of my bread by hand, I hardly put on my big screen TV, and my husband and I home-educate our two children. Yet I am under no illusion that I am unaffected by the lure of our increasingly digital age.

In my daily life, I love bringing people from all backgrounds together to read and discuss great books and encouraging students and families on their educational journeys. I always keep books nearby (concurrent ones for breakfast, lunch and dinner), and enjoy being outdoors with my family.

About social media: I don’t do the common platforms, but I'm on Mastodon

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